
Puisseguin Saint-Émilion

At the top of the group. These lovely owners care for their small vineyard of 6 ha crashed on croups and plateau of argilo-calcareous structure. The grape planting is marked by old true Cabernet (Bouchets) which are more than 50 years old, 25 %, and black Merlots which age from 30 to 60 years. The situation of this uneven vineyard gives rich, powerful and aromatic wines.

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Vintages for sale

Remarquable Puisseguin-Saint-Émilion 2012, very typical, fleshy, very delicious, in the notes of currant and characteristic humus, which mixes a tannic sharpness with a roundness mouth, the finale with notes of smoked and of very ripe wild which persistes int the strawberry. 

The 2011 develops spicy notes, a complex nose where dominate small ripe fruits (blackcurrant, red currants), rich and supple at the same time, representative of this very attractive vintage wine.

Remarkable 2010, a beautiful color, the scent of small characteristic red berries (currant, strawberry), of a beautiful balance, ample and rich, a wine fleshy as we like them, scent which one can guard

In the lineage, the 2009, silver medal in the Competition in Lyon, one of the most beautiful of the in this vintage, a typical wine, perfumed (Morello cherry), with smoked notes and liquorice, ripe and pleasant tannins, everything charms it.

The 2008, of darked robe, rich, an intense nose, is a complex wine, of a beautiful final one where the ripe black cherry flavours and undergrowth dominate, flattering and rich in the mouth at the same time.

The 2007 is very successful, a well-balanced and supple wine, with melted tannins, very pleasant with a nose of violet and small ripe red berries, which associates distinction and wealth, ample and fat, and is very enjoyable.

Structure and roundness, characterize this excellent 2006, fullbody, fine, fat and very fleshy, a very perfumed wine (violet, black cherry) who pursues his beautiful evolution.

The Beautiful 2005, which becomes entangled harmoniously spices and blackcurrant, wine where the flexibility prevails, with these very characteristic notes of leather and fruits slightly candied in finale, in the rich tannins, carpentered, which pursues its beautiful evolution.

The 2004 is very classic, colored and intensified, in the firm and silky tannins at the same time, by an attractive concentration in the mouth, in the notes of currant, humus and spices.

Small vineyard of 6 ha situated in Puisseguin, near Saint Emilion
Soil and exposure
Vineyard planted on croups and platoc of argilo-calcareous structure
Grape Variety
70% Merlot, 25% Cabernet franc et 5% Cabernet-Sauvignon
The maturing in barrels during 12-14 months according to the vintage wines. The definitive blending is made in Stainless tanks before the bottling.
A beautiful color, with a nose of small characteristic red berries (currant, strawberry), a beautiful balance, ample and rich, a wine fleshy as we like them.
Wine and food pairing
Grills, cheeses with raised dough, wine sauce, regional dishes (alose, lamprey)

Yannick et Andréa Le Menn

1, lieu-dit Saint-Clair
33570 Puisseguin
Tél. : 05 57 74 66 82
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